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Applied Swine Nutrition Basics.
Part 2. Swine Formulas Fed in Five Temperatures Using Ukrainian Feedstuffs.

Part 2. Ration Formulation. Application of Theory (Part 1). Adjusting the Protein Level of Swine Rations to Match Ambient Temperature & Ration Energy Density.

Introduction: We learned in Part 1 of this manuscript that swine rations should be adjusted to match the (1) genetic potential of the pig to grow muscle (2) energy density of the ration and the (3) ambient temperature so as to maximize revenue while supporting an optimum rate of growth and the production of a carcass with a high muscle to fat tissue ratio. I took these three criteria into account when I formulated a series of six rations (gestation, lactation, starter, grower and two finishing rations) using various feedstuffs available in Western Ukraine to match the nutrient requirements (protein, lysine and energy density the main variables) of pigs fed (1) in different ambient temperatures (+5 �C, 10 �C, 15 �C, 20 �C and 25 �C) and (2) consuming rations of different energy density. Parts 1 and 3 of this paper deal specifically with market hogs but I am including rations for gestating and lactating sows in this section (Part 2). I have them formulated for your use. I plan to write more on gestating and lactating sows later.

There are three basic grain and protein combinations available in Western Ukraine that I used to formulate rations at five ambient temperatures: (1) soybean meal & wheat, (2) sunflower meal with partial hulls & wheat and (3) sunflower meal with hulls & wheat. I formulated additional rations for use in 20 �C temperatures including rations using (4) soybean meal & corn, (5) canola meal & wheat and (6) meat & bone meal & wheat. I can formulate rations using these ingredients for use in other ambient temperatures if requested and there is a need. I can also formulate rations using other feedstuffs.

I created a separate book of spreadsheets that allows the user to determine how many kilograms of grain and protein source need to be exchanged to adjust the protein level of rations fed at six different pig weights to meet the pig's requirements when fed in 13 different ambient temperatures ranging from minus 20 �C to plus 40 �C in five degree increments. This temperature adjustment book of spreadsheets also allows the user to approximate the cost of the adjusted rations, keying off current ration costs.

Economic results of feeding the rations presented in this section (Part 2) to market hogs are predicted in Part 3 where we use the Pig Profit Planner to estimate the profitability from feeding the specific ration combinations presented in this section (Part 2) and to decide (1) if and how profitable it is to feed pigs in today's economic environment and (2) which ration combinations are the most profitable to feed in each of the five ambient temperatures evaluated. Return on Investment is calculated (1) per pig and (2) per year.

Vitamin and mineral mixes (base mixes) that I have formulated for dairy, swine and poultry can be purchased from Vasyl Maxim and the agricultural cooperatives in Rivne, Sambir and Zhydachiv. Vasyl will assist you in making proper supplement choices, advising you on ingredient availability and the application of these rations. The three agricultural cooperatives developed under our Cooperative Development Program (CDP) can supply you with concentrates and finished feeds. You can contact Vasyl at: (Nadia, please supply this information in the translated edition.

Numerous rations for different groups of cattle, swine and poultry have been formulated to meet the nutrient requirements needed for the optimum production of milk, meat and eggs using feed ingredients available in Western Ukraine. This has resulted in a wide choice of vitamin and trace mineral premixes, base mixes, concentrates and complete rations that can be confusing. I hope that this paper helps turn confusion into understanding so that livestock producers can choose rations made by our three co-ops (Rivne, Sambir & Zhydachiv) that are appropriate for their feeding situation and that the rations formulated and described will promote increased animal production and profit for livestock producers while benefiting food consumers in Ukraine.

Swine Ration formulation starts with:

A Universal Trace Mineral Premix that is good for all swine rations and

Two different Vitamin Premixes, each specific for either the (1) Breeding Herd or (2) Market hogs. These vitamin - trace mineral premixes are used in producing base mixes.

Base Mixes for swine are made by adding major minerals and lysine to vitamin and trace mineral premixes. Different protein sources may contain different levels of lysine (and minerals in the case of meat & bone meal). Feeding adequate lysine is essential to support good growth and lactation and allow pigs to reach their genetic potential. Therefore a specific base mix has been formulated for each combination of protein and grain in order to meet the animal's vitamin, mineral and lysine requirements. This increases the complexity but is necessary to support the most economical performance.

I suggest adding 3 kg of zinc oxide per 1000 kg of the starter ration to promote growth.

Concentrates are made by adding proteins to the appropriate base mix. There is a separate concentrate for each of the six rations in each of the six series of rations.

The economic conditions in Western Ukraine do not favor feeding corn to swine. Besides being expensive, corn is lower in protein than other energy sources. It takes more protein to balance rations using corn than wheat or other grains. Protein sources are expensive, making wheat your first choice of grain. The Pig Profit Planner in Part 3 shows the economic validity of this statement. Part 1 discusses the energy levels in various feedstuffs. Feed wheat (12 to 14% crude protein), barley (10 to 11% protein) and oats (11 to 12% protein) are better economic options in Western Ukraine than corn, even though the energy level of corn is higher than the energy level of wheat, barley and oats (listed in order of decreasing energy). Wheat approximates corn in energy. The energy value of barley and particularly oats decreases as the density per volume of the grain decreases. Decreasing density indicates an increase in hulls (fiber) in relation to starch.

I used some oats and wheat bran (in spite of their low net energy levels) in the diets fed to baby pigs and in gestation and lactation rations to aid digestion and reduce scouring. In sunflower meal rations I reduced the barley, oats and wheat bran and used wheat to reduce the amount of SFM needed and to raise the level of energy. Using some oats and wheat bran in boar and gestation rations lowers the energy level and keeps boars and gestating sows from getting too fat.

There are six rations in each series. I used soybean meal as the primary but not always the exclusive protein source in the starter ration in all series. Starter pigs should be fed rations where soybean meal is the primary protein source until they weigh 20 kg because of the superior ability of soybean meal to promote growth.

Allow an adaptation period of a week or two for small pigs to get used to any ration change, particularly rations that include soybean meal and wheat as there may be an immune reaction to the proteins contained in these two feedstuffs.

It is advised that the starter ration be introduced to baby pigs at two to three weeks of age (as soon as they'll eat it) and fed as a creep ration. Do not wait until weaning to introduce the starter ration. Besides the concern for the weanling pig, feeding a creep ration will spare the sow and increase the weight gain of the nursing pigs. Weaning is a critical time. You may have better success feeding ground barley and oats for several days at weaning, gradually introducing the starter ration over a period of a 3 to 7 days.

Formulas can be changed as ingredients and prices change. Formulating custom rations for use in special situations is possible but may involve different base mixes and concentrates to make the complete feed. I have attempted to reduce the confusion by standardizing rations that meet the typical animal needs I've found in Western Ukraine.

Care should be taken to assure that the appropriate premix, base mix and concentrate is used to make complete feeds and that these are fed to the appropriate class of pigs. There is a specific feed code for all base mixes, concentrates and rations for improved identification.

All rations should be fed with free choice access by the animal to water. Without water, animals reduce their dry matter intake with a commensurate drop in energy intake that results in a reduction in growth. The negative response to water deficiency is even more severe during lactation. Milk is mostly water and a reduction in water intake today will reduce milk production (and growth of baby pigs nursing the sow) TODAY. Have clean fresh water available ad libitum to all animals. Water is your cheapest essential nutrient.

In most situations, improving ventilation would improve animal performance. I realize for security reasons that doors are often closed and locked but please open the windows. Even during the cold of winter, there must be ventilation, although air should blow above the pen and not on the pigs. Heat lamps should be used to keep baby pigs warm.

Baby pigs can be saved from being crushed by the sow suddenly lying on them if a farrowing crate is used or at least guard rails installed in the farrowing pens.

Grains can be interchanged some. Heavy grain screenings usually have about the same feeding value as oats. Be sure that there is no vetch or other non-palatable ingredients in the screenings. It is better to feed grain screenings to cattle than pigs. Remember the protein levels of the grains mentioned earlier in making your mixing decisions. Rye grain is not very palatable and its use should be limited. Beans can be substituted for some of the peas.

Grains should be allowed to "cure" for a month after harvest to reduce the chance of scouring animals. Grains continue to metabolize for a few weeks after being harvested and this sometimes can cause digestive problems for swine and cattle.

The following rations presented, when mixed as directed with the appropriate vitamin - trace mineral premixes, base mixes or concentrates (formulated for the specific and exclusive use of our three CDP co-ops) can be expected to support superior animal performance and improved profitability when good management practices are used including worming all pigs twice a year. Pigs need free choice access to water, clean air and sanitary pens. Growing pigs need free choice availability of feed and water for optimum gain & profitability.

General Codes are used to identify specific base mixes, concentrates and rations.

S = Swine. SS = Swine Starter. SG = Swine Grower. BM = Base Mix. BG = Boar & Gestation. L = Lactation. PS = Pig Starter. HG = Hog Grower. F1 = Finisher #1. F2 = Finisher #2. C = Concentrate. R = Ration or complete feed. SBM = Soybean Meal. SFMH = Sunflower Meal with Hulls. SFMH/2 = Sunflower Meal with Partial Hulls

Temperature Codes identify ambient temperature for which ration formulated.

W = Winter, +5 �C. C = Cool, 10 �C. F = Fall/Spring, 15 �C. P = Pleasant, 20 �C & S = Summer, 25 �C

Ration Feed Combination Codes show supplemental protein and grain source.

1 = Soybean meal & corn. 2 = Soybean meal & wheat. 3 = Sunflower meal with partial hulls & wheat. 4 = Sunflower meal with hulls & wheat. 5 = Canola meal & wheat. 6 = Meat & bone meal & wheat. WVMX = Wheat, vitamins & minerals but No lysine. WVML = Wheat, vitamins & minerals plus lysine until threonine become the next limiting amino acid after lysine.

Performance and economic data are shown in the Pig Profit Planner to demonstrate what happens when wheat (plus vitamins & minerals) with or without added lysine is fed. You'll be interested in pig performance including rate and efficiency of gain, the ratio of muscle to fat tissue in the carcass under various levels of protein adequacy and most importantly, profitability, including the return on investment per pig and per year. The following rations have the protein level balanced for the energy density of the ration and for the ambient temperature that the pigs consuming the ration experience. Pig performance and profitability of each ingredient combination will be given in Part 3 so you can make the appropriate management decisions as what to feed your pigs for profit maximization. Part 1: Theory. Part 2: Feed Formulas. Part 3: Predicts Results.

Swine Rations for Use in 20 �C Ambient Temperatures.
Soybean Meal - Corn, # 1P +20 �C.

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.1717.6820.5819.8016.6514.85
Lysine %0.560.931.091.090.860.72
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg292031383304332233603366
Base Mix , Kg37323226.123.220.3
Soybean Meal55250360335245190
Kg of Concentrate92282392361.1268.2210.3
Concentrate Code =SBGC-1PSLC-1PSPSC-1PSHGC-1PSF1C-1PSF2C-1P
Wheat Bran20095    
Kg of Grains910720610640735790
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210021002100110031000
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-1PSLR-1PSPSR-1PSHGR-1PSF1R-1PSF2R-1P

Soybean Meal & Wheat, #2P +20 �C.

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.6116.6620.0219.0315.9214.17
Lysine %0.520.851.151.030.810.67
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg277529342989313531313113
Base Mix , Kg3437.540.537.236.436.6
Soybean Meal2516028023011555
Kg of Concentrate59197.5320.5267.2151.491.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-2PSLC-2PSPSC-2PSHGC-2PSF1C-2PSF2C-2P
Wheat Bran20010050   
Kg of Grains945805680735850910
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100410031001100210011002
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-2PSLR-2PSPSR-2PSHGR-2PSF1R-2PSF2R-2P

Sunflower Meal Partial Hulls & Wheat, #3P +20 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.0117.3720.0317.8715.4013.97
Lysine %0.510.861.160.940.760.67
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg276529672913285729673033
Base Mix , Kg37.548.54661.2050.444.10
Soybean Meal 100220   
Sunflower Meal/2 1007523512560
Kg of Concentrate37.5248.5341296.20175.4104.1
Concentrate Code =SBGC-3PSLC-3PSPSC-3PSHGC-3PSF1C-3PSF2C-3P
Barley300 265   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains965755660705825900
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100310041001100110001004
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-3PSLR-3PSPSR-3PSHGR-3PSF1R-3PSF2R-3P

Sunflower Meal with Hulls & Wheat, 4P +20 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 50480 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.3017.1220.0716.6814.6213.53
Lysine %0.500.851.160.850.720.64
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg273528172923270828993008
Base Mix , Kg3749.541.553.2047.3042.40
Soybean Meal 80250   
Kg of Concentrate62304.5351.5333.2187.3101.4
Concentrate Code =SBGC-4PSLC-4PSPSC-4PSHGC-4PSF1C-4PSF2C-4P
Barley300 270   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains940695650670815900
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210001002100310021001
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-4PSLR-4PSPSR-4PSHGR-4PSF1R-4PSF2R-4P

Canola Meal & Wheat, #5P +20 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.3517.2620.0218.8415.8613.94
Lysine %0.530.891.151.000.790.67
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg274728882989305730403053
Base Mix , Kg373740.531.7034.9036.10
Canola Meal25110 12512580
Soybean Meal 11028015050 
Kg of Concentrate62257320.5306.7194.9116.1
Concentrate Code =SBGC-5PSLC-5PSPSC-2PSHGC-5PSF1C-5PSF2C-5P
Wheat Bran20010050   
Kg of Grains940745680695805885
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210021001100210001001
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-5PSLR-5PSPSR-2PSHGR-5PSF1R-5PSF2R-5P

Meat & Bone Meal & Wheat, 6P +20 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %14.0116.9119.9418.6315.7614.77
Lysine %0.540.861.151.000.780.72
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg278428922987304930473077
Base Mix , Kg15.525.540.528.229.928.1
Soybean Meal 4028095  
Meat & Bone Meal5080 807550
Kg of Concentrate65.5145.5320.5203.2104.978.1
Concentrate Code =SBGC-6PSLC-6PSPSC-2PSHGC-6PSF1C-6PSF2C-6P
Wheat Bran20010050   
Kg of Grains935855680800895925
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100110011001100310011003
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-6PSLR-6PSPSR-2PSHGR-6PSF1R-6PSF2R-6P

Swine Rations for Use in +5 �C Ambient Temperatures.
Soybean Meal & Wheat, # 2W +05 �C.

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8214.4120.0216.4413.8812.57
Lysine %0.430.691.150.830.650.56
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg277629222989310031063090
Base Mix , Kg3243.540.540.237.939.1
Soybean Meal 7528014045 
Kg of Concentrate32118.5320.5180.282.939.1
Concentrate Code =SBGC-2WSLC-2WSPSC-2PSHGC-2WSF1C-2WSF2C-2W
Wheat Bran20010050   
Kg of Grains970885680820920965
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210041001100010031004
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-2WSLR-2WSPSR-2PSHGR-2WSF1R-2WSF2R-2W

Sunflower Meal with Partial Hulls & Wheat, 3W, +05 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8814.8220.0215.8313.6412.57
Lysine %0.420.711.160.800.640.55
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg278729882916293830383094
Base Mix , Kg3048.54655.2044.939.60
Soybean Meal 50220   
SFM Partial Hulls 507514550 
Kg of Concentrate30148.5341200.2094.937.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-3WSLC-3WSPSC-3PSHGC-3WSF1C-3WSF2C-3W
Barley300 270   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains970855660800905965
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100010041001100010001003
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-3WSLR-3WSPSR-3PSHGR-3WSF1R-3WSF2R-3W

Sunflower Meal with Hulls & Wheat, 4W, +05 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8514.5620.0715.0513.2212.54
Lysine %0.420.711.160.740.610.53
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg278029582923285030243100
Base Mix , Kg3249.541.550.2044.935.6
Soybean Meal 52.5250   
Sunflr Meal Hulls 52.56017045 
Kg of Concentrate32154.5351.5220.289.935.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-4WSLC-4WSPSC-4PSHGC-4WSF1C4WSF2C-4W
Barley300 270   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains970845650780910965
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210001002100010001001
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-4WSLR-4WSPSR-4PSHGR-4WSF1R-4WSF2R-4W

Swine Rations for Use in +10 �C Ambient Temperatures.
Soybean Meal & Wheat, #2C, +10 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8214.9520.0217.0714.4612.94
Lysine %0.430.761.150.880.700.58
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg277628992989311131143098
Base Mix , Kg3243.540.538.737.437.6
Soybean Meal 1002801606515
Kg of Concentrate32143.5320.5198.7102.452.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-2CSLC-2CSPSC-2PSHGC-2CSF1C-2CSF2C-2C
Wheat Bran20010050   
Kg of Grains970860680805900950
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210041001100410021003
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-2CSLR-2CSPSR-2PSHGR-2CSF1R-2CSF2R-2C

Sunflower Meal with Partial Hulls, #3C, +10 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8815.5820.0216.5014.2712.82
Lysine %0.420.751.160.840.690.59
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg278729822916291330123081
Base Mix , Kg3048.54656.7047.4039.60
Soybean Meal 65220   
SFM Partial Hulls 65751757510
Kg of Concentrate30178.5341231.7122.449.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-3CSLC-3CSPSC-3PSHGC-3CSF1C-3CSF2C-3C
Barley300 270   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains970825660770880950
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100010041001100210021000

Sunflower Meal with Hulls, #4C, +10 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8515.1020.0715.5713.6212.60
Lysine %0.420.751.160.770.650.58
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg278029462923280629863088
Base Mix , Kg3249.541.550.945.2639.60
Soybean Meal 65250   
Sunflr Meal Hulls 656020570 
Kg of Concentrate32179.5351.5255.9115.2539.60
Concentrate Code =SBGC-4CSLC-4CSPSC-4PSHGC-4CSF1C-4CSF2C-4C
Barley300 270   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains970820650745885960
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210001002100110001000
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-4CSLR-4CSPSR-4PSHGR-4CSF1R-4CSF2R-4C

Swine Rations for Use in +15 �C Ambient Temperatures.
Soybean Meal & Wheat, #2F, +15 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8816.0720.0217.9315.1813.46
Lysine %0.460.811.150.950.750.62
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg277029292989312331243103
Base Mix , Kg3437.540.537.736.437.6
Soybean Meal 1402801909030
Kg of Concentrate34177.5320.5227.7126.467.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-2FSLC-2FSPSC-2PSHGC-2FSF1C-2FSF2C-2F
Wheat Bran20010050   
Kg of Grains970825680775875935
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100410031001100310011003
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-2FSLR-2FSPSR-2PSHGR-2FSF1R-2FSF2R-2F

Sunflower Meal with Partial Hulls, 3F, +15 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.8816.3520.0217.0814.8313.38
Lysine %0.420.801.160.890.720.62
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg278729762916288729913059
Base Mix , Kg3048.54659.248.4041.1
Soybean Meal 80220   
SFM Partial Hulls 807520010035
Kg of Concentrate30208.5341259.2148.476.
Concentrate Code =SBGC-3FSLC-3FSPSC-3PSHGC-3FSF1C-3FSF2C-3F
Barley300 270   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains970795660745855925
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100010041001100410031001
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-3FSLR-3FSPSR-3PSHGR-3FSF1R-3FSF2R-3F

Sunflower Meal with Hulls, 4F, +15 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %11.9415.7620.0716.0314.1613.03
Lysine %0.480.791.160.810.680.60
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg276629322923276429413052
Base Mix , Kg3749.541.552.7045.439.6
Soybean Meal 80250   
Sunflr Meal Hulls 806023511030
Kg of Concentrate37209.5351.5287.70155.469.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-4FSLC-4FSPSC-4PSHGC-4FSF1C-4FSF2C-4F
Barley300 270   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains965790650715845930
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210001002100310001000
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-4FSLR-4FSPSR-4PSHGR-4FSF1R-4FSF2R-4F

Swine Rations for Use in +25 �C Ambient Temperatures.
Soybean Meal & Wheat, #2S, +25 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.6617.7020.0720.1416.8614.93
Lysine %0.540.921.161.120.870.74
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg277229662988314631433118
Base Mix , Kg3637.540.537.235.437.6
Soybean Meal2519028525514580
Kg of Concentrate61227.5325.5302.2185.4117.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-2SSLC-2SSPSC-2PSHGC-2SSF1C-2SSF2C-2S
Wheat Bran20010050   
Kg of Grains940775675700815885
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100110031001100210001003
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-2SSLR-2SSPSR-2PSHGR-2SSF1R-2SSF2R-2S

Sunflower Meal with Partial Hulls, 3S, +25 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.0118.1120.1219.0416.2214.54
Lysine %0.510.921.161.030.830.71
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg276529742916291329793011
Base Mix , Kg37.548.54657.2049.945.60
Soybean Meal 1252257030 
SFM Partial Hulls 1007520012585
Kg of Concentrate37.5273.5346327.2204.9130.6
Concentrate Code =SBGC-3SSLC-3SSPSC-3PSHGC-3SSF1C-3SSF2C-3S
Barley300 265   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains965730655675795870
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100310041001100210001001
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-3SSLR-3SSPSR-3PSHGR-3SSF1R-3SSF2R-3S

Sunflower Meal with Hulls & Wheat, 4S, +25 �C

Ingredient, KgGestationLactationStarterGrowerFinisher #1Finisher #2
Weight of Pig, KgMatureMature10 - 2020 - 5050 - 8080 - Mkt
Crude Protein %12.5117.5120.0017.3615.3714.02
Lysine %0.510.911.160.900.760.68
Met. Energy Kcal/Kg271728962918264828352963
Base Mix , Kg3749.541.555.247.443.1
Soybean Meal 120250   
Sunflr Meal Hulls401206032519095
Kg of Concentrate77289.5351.5380.2237.4138.1
Concentrate Code =SBGC-4SSLC-4SSPSC-4PSHGC-4SSF1C-4SSF2C-4S
Barley300 265   
Wheat Bran200 50   
Kg of Grains925710650620765865
Kg of Zinc Oxide  3   
Kg of Total Mix100210001002100010021003
Swine Ration Code =SBGR-4SSLR-4SSPSR-4PSHGR-4SSF1R-4SSF2R-4S

I have added five feed ingredient tables from Part 1 that show the energy and fiber content of common ingredients for use with the above formulas so that you can make informed choices if you choose to make ingredient substitutions. These were added here just in case you didn't have Part 1 available.

Absolute & Relative Energy Value of Protein & Energy Sources - Dry Matter Basis.

Feedstuffs Table 1. Absolute Energy Values (Swine), Kcal/Kg for Protein Sources.

Ingredient NameCrude ProteinDig. EnergyMet. EnergyNet Energy
Soybean Meal, solvent43.8349031801935
Sunflower Ml, Solv., Hulls26.8201018301230
Sunflwr Ml, Solv. No hulls42.2284027351635
Linseed Meal, Solvent33.6306027101840
Canola Meal, Solvent35.6288526401610
Lupine, Sweet White34.9345033052130
Meat & Bone Meal51.5244022251355

Feedstuffs Table 2. Percent Lysine & Relative Energy Compared to Soybean Meal.

Ingredient NameLysineDig. EnergyMet. EnergyNet Energy
Soybean Meal, solvent2.83100100100
Sunflower Ml, Solv., Hulls1.01585864
Sunflwr Ml, Solv. No hulls1.20818684
Linseed Meal, Solvent2.06888595
Canola Meal, Solvent2.08838383
Lupine, Sweet White2.4199104110
Meat & Bone Meal2.98707070

Feedstuffs Table 3. Absolute Energy Value (Swine), Kcal/Kg for Energy Sources.

Ingredient NameCrude ProteinDig. EnergyMet. EnergyNet Energy
Beet Pulp, Dried8.6286524951860
Wheat, various kinds11.5 - 13.53365 - 34503210 - 33052225 - 2400
Wheat Bran15.7242022751400

Feedstuffs Table 4. Percent Lysine & Relative Energy Values Compared to Corn.

Ingredient NameLysineDig. EnergyMet. EnergyNet Energy
Beet Pulp, Dried0.52817378
Wheat, various kinds0.33 - 0.3895 - 9894 - 9793 - 100
Wheat Bran0.64676758

Feedstuffs Table 5: Crude Fiber, Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) of Various Feedstuffs in percent

Feedstuffs - Protein SourcesCrude FiberADFNDF
Soybean Meal7.09.413.3
Sunflower Meal with hulls24.030.342.4
Sunflower Meal without hulls12.218.427.8
Linseed Meal (flax seed meal)9.51523.9
Canola Meal1217.221.2
Lupine, Sweet, WhiteNot Available16.720.3
Meat & Bone Meal2.832.55.6
Feedstuffs - Energy Sources   
Beet Pulp, dried21.024.342.4
Rye Grain2.24.612.3
Wheat, various kinds3.04.013.5
Wheat Bran11.013.042.1

Roy E. Chapin, Ph.D. Animal Nutritionist
Cooperative Development Program
USAID, ACDI/VOCA and Southern States Cooperative

Phone: 503-835-7317/Fax: 503-835-333
E-mail: <[email protected]>
11145 Chapin Lane, Amity, Oregon 97101 USA

© Roy Chapin, 2024
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